Babylon Lodge No. 793, Free and Accepted Masons Celebrate 125th Anniversary

Owen H. Johnson

July 20, 2012

Senator Owen H. Johnson recently joined with Assemblyman Phil Boyle in presenting a New York State Legislative Resolution to Master, The Worshipful Edward T. Bartels commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Babylon Lodge No. 793, Free and Accepted Masons.  An official celebration took place with a Black Tie Dinner Dance on April 29, 2012 at the Babylon Lodge in Babylon.

The Free and Accepted Masons are the oldest fraternal organization in the world dating back some 3,000 years.  The Babylon Lodge has continuously been a great influence in the community by providing leadership, a principled way of life deeply rooted in a system of values, social benevolence, emphasis on individual excellence and serving as a stabilizing force in the community.

The history of Masonry in the Village of Babylon has prevailed unbroken for 125 years and is deeply rooted in the American Revolutionary era.  From its introduction in 1887 to the present day, Freemasonry has been an important influence at work in the development of the Babylon community.

The members of the Babylon Lodge No. 793 are dedicated to supporting their community.  Each year they host a Holiday Party for the AHRC in Bohemia and buy gifts for over 120 special-needs children.  They also donate food baskets to local churches to help feed the needy, host blood drives, donate their building and time to different organizations such as the Babylon Arts Council, the Babylon Historical Society, and the Babylon Beautification Society.

Recently, Babylon Lodge No. 793 raised funds to help a Masonic Lodge in upstate New York that was devastated by Hurricane Irene.  Babylon Lodge No. 793 also supports many youth organizations by giving awards to boys who attain the rank of Eagle Scout, and girls who earn the Girl Scout Gold Award.  They also award a young person every year with a college scholarship. 

Members of the Lodge have given back to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who are  stationed overseas by sending them much-needed supply packages, and also have supported the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the Long Island State Veterans Home at Stony Brook University by holding church services as well as providing other entertaining events for the residents. 

Photograph from left to right:  Senator Owen H. Johnson; Master, The Worshipful Edward T. Bartels; and Assemblyman Phil Boyle.