It's Hurricane Season...Are You Prepared?

Owen H. Johnson

June 13, 2012

As we enter another hurricane season on Long Island, it is important to make sure that you and your family are prepared in case a storm strikes our area. Planning ahead can protect more than your property - it can help save lives.

That is why I put together a Hurricane Safety checklist. This brochure, which can be downloaded below, contains a list of things that will help you construct a hurricane preparedness kit. You can find many of these items in your home already. Although this is a general hurricane kit list, you should keep in mind any of your family’s particular needs as you prepare.

Additionally, consider packing a “go-bag” that you can easily put in your car in case you are informed of an evacuation. Be sure to store everything possible in watertight containers or zip lock bags, especially important documents. I’ve also provided some important phone numbers, websites and information to have on hand in case of an emergency.

Don’t wait until the last minute to get ready – download my brochure below and start planning now!