Senate Passes Senator Fuschillo’s Legislation to Enhance Safety in School Zones

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

May 7, 2013

     Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) announced that the New York State Senate has passed legislation he sponsored to enhance the safety of students and parents in school zones.

     The legislation (S3528) would enhance safety for students within a school zone by preventing drivers from making U turns within the posted hours that the school zone is in effect.

     “School zones exist to protect students walking to and from school, as well as parents who are dropping off and picking up their children. Prohibiting cars from making U turns in school zones, which are highly trafficked areas with many pedestrians and drivers coming or going all at once, would enhance safety for children and parents and help prevent accidents and tragedies,” said Senator Fuschillo.

     School zones provide a buffer zone around areas in which students are more likely to be travelling on foot and in cars. The zones limit speed to provide drivers and pedestrians additional time to assess dangers. Preventing drivers from making U turns would create more predictable traffic patterns in these zones, improving safety for both pedestrians and drivers.

     The legislation is supported by the New York State School Boards Association and the New York State Association for Pupil Transportation.