Snow Storm Assistance Numbers

With a nor'easter expected to bring snow and high winds to our area starting today, here are numbers where you can get storm-related information or services. You may wish to print this out and keep handy in case you need assistance:
To report power outages or downed power lines:
* LIPA/National Grid: 800-490-0075
* Freeport Electric: 516-378-0146 (Village of Freeport residents only)
24 Hour Emergency Gas Service:
* National Grid: 800-490-0045
Information on mass transit service:
* LIRR 24 hour travel information center: 718-217-5477 or www.mta.info/lirr
* NICE Bus travel information: 516-228-4000 or www.nicebus.com
* NYC Transit travel information: 718-330-1234 or www.mta.info
* Suffolk Transit: 631-852-5200 or www.sct-bus.org
Up to the minute information about traffic conditions on Long Island’s major roads:
* NYS Department of Transportation’s 511 service: Call 5-1-1 or www.511ny.org.
To report snow plowing issues:
* Town maintained roads:
Town of Hempstead: 516-489-5000
Town of Oyster Bay: 516-677-5757
Town of Babylon: 631-957-7474
* Village maintained roads:
Village of Freeport: 516-377-2289
Village of Massapequa Park: 516-798-0244
Village of Amityville: 631-789-2200
Village of Lindenhurst: 631-957-7520
* County maintained roads:
Nassau County: 516-571-6900
Suffolk County: 631-852-4070
* State maintained roads:
NYS Department of Transportation: 631-904-3059