Griffo Names Judge Clark as a Woman of Distinction

 (Albany) - State Senator Joseph A. Griffo (R,C, IP - Rome) announced that State Supreme Court Justice Bernadette T. Clark has been selected as a 2013 New York State "Woman of Distinction."                                                                            

The State Senate's "Women of Distinction" program was created in 1998 to honor New York women who exemplify personal excellence, or whose professional, exceptional achievements or acts of courage, selflessness, integrity or perseverance serve as an example to all New Yorkers. From their district, a Senator annually names one woman representing these attributes.                                                                                                                                                                                          

"I am extremely honored to have the opportunity today to showcase the career and life of Judge  Bernadette Clark as a Woman of Distinction," said Senator Griffo. "With an already impressive list of accomplishments so far, she has done much to enhance the quality of life we enjoy in our community, which she has called home for her entire life.  Judge Clark is an exceptional role model who’s truly deserving of this honor."

Tuesday night, Judge Clark was recognized at a ceremony in the Legislative Office Building in Albany.
The 'Women of Distinction' program is part of the Senate's celebration of Women's History Month.  Each honoree's photograph and biography has become part of a special exhibit proclaiming the unique contributions of exemplary women in New York State.


For more information about the honor, click: