Happy 4th of July!
Martin J. Golden
July 2, 2013
Dear Friends and Patriots,
On July 4th, we celebrate the birth of our Nation. Since 1776, when the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, people from around the world have left their homelands to come to America for freedom and opportunity.
As we gather with family and friends for barbeques and picnics, baseball games, music and fireworks, lets take a moment to remember our history, heritage and to appreciate those who have fought for life, liberty and freedom.
My wish is that everyone, home or away, enjoys this important holiday. For all those who are traveling, please be especially careful on the roadways.
Don’t forget about the Greater Bay Ridge 4th of July Parade which will be held on Thursday, July 4th from 11am to 9pm at the 82nd Street Field at Shore Road. There will be 6 live bands, sprinklers, face painters, games, prizes, kids rides, gift & dinner raffles and 50/50.
Happy Birthday, America!