Safest City in America, New York, Threatened by It’s Own City Council

Martin J. Golden

June 19, 2013

Council considers legislation to prevent police from using age, color, gender or disability to describe suspects



Brooklyn, NY – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I) today issued the following statement on the City Council’s proposed legislation to prohibit the New York City Police Department from using age, color, gender or disability to describe suspects.

“As a former Police Officer, I am truly baffled by this legislation. The New York City Police Department is the finest in the world, and the idea that they should be restricted to describing suspects and criminals by clothing and height alone is simply ridiculous. Maybe the New York City Council isn’t aware, but people can change their clothing. That’s the reason why we use permanent features to describe suspects. Police departments across the world have used age, race, and gender to describe suspects for generations, and the new overreaching political correctness that the council is trying to impose does nothing to keep our city safe, and opens up our hard working police officers to frivolous and unwarranted lawsuits. I call on the leadership of the City Council to stop this legislation from moving forward, and ask the Mayor to veto this legislation if it passes,” said Senator Golden.