Senator Flanagan Assists Commack Library In Providing Life Saving Apparatus To Patrons

Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) announced that his office has secured $10,000 in state funding for the Commack Public Library as part of the 2014-15 State budget. The funding will be used by the library to offset the cost of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) program.
The library will use funding secured by Senator Flanagan to purchase AED equipment as well as to obtain a special cabinet that will house the lifesaving device. The funding will also be used to support the training of library staff so that any patron who suffers a cardiac emergency will be assisted as quickly as possible.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), an AED is a computerized medical device that has the ability to monitor a person’s heart rhythm and to recognize when a shock is required. The device will prompt a user when an electric shock should be administered so that those with minimal training are able to render lifesaving assistance.
According to the AHA web site, a victim’s chance of survival decreases by 7 to 10 percent for every minute that passes without defibrillation. The AHA supports placing AEDs in targeted public areas such as sports arenas, gated communities, office complexes, doctor's offices and other heavily traveled locations.
“We are thankful to Senator Flanagan for his continued support of the Commack Public Library and the Commack Public Library community,” Library Director Laurie Rosenthal said. “The Library is a public place frequented by many people of all ages and the AED program is a valuable tool that could prove invaluable in the unfortunate event of a cardiac emergency.”
According to Ms. Rosenthal, any remaining funding will be used to offset the cost of expanding senior programming and to offer homebound services to those who are unable to get to the Library. Currently, the library offers their senior patrons programs that include Chair Yoga, Thursday afternoon movies, AARP Driver Safety and tax assistance.
“The Commack Library is an integral part of the lives of many residents and it is my pleasure to help them continue to build on the services they provide to the community. By instituting the AED program and expanding their senior services, the library is taking great steps forward in their efforts to enhance the lives of those they serve. I look forward to working with the staff as they continue their mission,” stated Senator Flanagan.