Statement on the Passing of Sen. Roy Goodman

Liz Krueger

June 4, 2014

Sen. Krueger issued the following statement on the passing of Sen. Roy Goodman, who represented the East Side from 1969 through 2001.

"Senator Roy Matz Goodman was known to many of us as the Statesman of the State Senate, and was the last of the Rockefeller Republicans. His final campaign for office was also my first, and his graciousness and good humor were on full display from that campaign's beginning to its end, when, victorious after a six-week recount, he jokingly dubbed himself 'Landslide Goodman.'

"Senator Goodman's personal warmth, his deep knowledge, and his commitment to the public were unwavering, and our entire community has benefited from his legacy of more than three decades of distinguished service.

"My condolences go out to Senator Goodman's children, grandchildren, friends, and the countless East Side residents who knew and appreciated him."