Michael F. Nozzolio

December 7, 2015

Senator Michael Nozzolio today called for equal funding of Upstate New York’s roads and bridges.  Governor Cuomo recently announced that he would be allocating over $8 billion dollars to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in order to refurbish the downstate transportation system; Senator Nozzolio is requesting the same funding for Upstate. 

“An equally important, transportation infrastructure system is critical to Upstate New York’s economic growth and job opportunities, particularly in rural areas such as the Finger Lakes region.  Our local governments are responsible for the maintenance of thousands of bridges and nearly 100,000 miles of roads and highways,” said Senator Nozzolio.  “We have every right to the same quality of transportation services and additional state funding is vitally important to our efforts to repair our local roads and keep them well maintained and secure.”

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 32% of the state’s bridges are deficient and 40% of our roads are rated fair or poor.

“As these startling facts demonstrate, Upstate New York’s crumbling infrastructure has been put on the back burner for far too long. $8 billion in funding for our local roads and bridges would go a long way towards ensuring important safety measures are implemented.  An improved highway system would also allow for the faster transport of goods and services, resulting in a must needed boost to our economy,” concluded Senator Nozzolio.