Senator Nozzolio Calls on Residents to Sign Gas Tax Petition

Michael F. Nozzolio

February 18, 2015

State Senator Mike Nozzolio today called on residents to sign his petition to cut the gas tax and ensure that the funds collected from the tax are used properly. While national news stories tout gas for less than $2 per gallon, New Yorkers have seen prices drop but are still paying significantly more than in other states. Currently, New York leads the continental United States when it comes to the price at the pump.

“With gas prices falling across the country, New Yorkers have seen little relief at the pump and have literally watched the roads crumbling beneath them,” said Senator Nozzolio. “My goal is to cut New York’s gas tax and make sure that any funds collected are used to repair our deteriorating infrastructure.”

According to a recent report from the New York State Comptroller’s office, only 22 percent of the tax money collected at the pump is used to improve roads and bridges. While the gas tax is meant to produce revenue for upkeep of the State’s transportation infrastructure, it remains a burdensome presence yielding disappointing results.

“Taxes are one of the main reasons gasoline costs are so high here in Upstate New York,” said Senator Nozzolio. “In our part of the state, where driving is a necessity, this hurts us all in the wallet and holds back business growth. We must do all we can to lessen the burden on drivers and get our roadways back to their safest, most efficient condition,” Senator Nozzolio concluded.

You can sign Senator Nozzolio’s online petition to reduce the gas tax by going to:
