George Amedore

February 26, 2016

The water main break on Altamont  Avenue and Crane Street in Rotterdam is the latest chapter in a familiar story. Every day that we pick up the paper or turn on the news, we see the same thing over and over: things are falling apart. Whether it’s a water main break, a backed up sewer system or just the general state of disrepair of our roads and bridges, the crumbling infrastructure in our Upstate communities is putting the health and safety of our residents at risk.

A reliable and safe infrastructure is necessary to a healthy economy and for the well-being of all of our communities. As we move forward with this year’s budget process, a strong investment into our Upstate infrastructure – our roads, our water, and our sewers – is critically important.

As we continue throughout this budget process, I will continue to advocate to increase funding for infrastructure projects to replace old, antiquated systems that are continually failing our communities.

A strong investment in our infrastructure is an investment for a stronger New York.

