George Amedore

September 23, 2016

Senator George Amedore today announced he has been named as a Mothers Against Drug Driving (MADD) 2016 Legislator of the Year. Senator Amedore is one of just 69 elected officials nationwide recognized by MADD as a legislative champion for his standout efforts to advance their mission of eliminating drunk and drugged driving.

"MADD is proud to work with these leaders in the battle against the leading killer on our nation's roadways," said MADD National President Colleen Sheehey-Church in a news release yesterday. "With more than 10,000 drunk driving deaths every year in America, we must continue to push for smart laws that will help create a nation of No More Victims."

"I'm honored to receive this honor from MADD, and proud to work with them to make our communities and roadways more safe for everyone," said Senator Amedore.

MADD pointed specifically to Senator Amedore's work in authoring legislation (S.4769A) to strengthen New York's drugged driving laws to include synthetic drugs, including bath salts, synthetic marijuana, and inhalants. Current law prohibits driving under the influence of drugs, or the combined influence of alcohol and drugs as defined under the Public Health Law but these types of synthetic drugs are not currently included in the definition. This legislation strengthens the law to keep up as more and more synthetic drugs make their way onto the market.

"We have seen an alarming trend in the rise in use of synthetic drugs, that cause just as great, if not greater, danger if people use them and get behind the wheel. This legislation is common sense to keep our laws up to date and make sure there are no loopholes that allow people who use synthetic drugs and drive to get off without proper punishment," said Senator George Amedore.

Senator Amedore's legislation passed the Senate unanimously earlier this year. It has not been passed in the State Assembly.


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