“What Planet Does The New York Times Live On?”
December 6, 2016
Queens, NY – “In a recent opinion piece, The New York Times Editorial Board made the ridiculous claim that middle-class residents would not be affected by the MTA’s proposed fare hike and only those New Yorkers who live below the poverty line should be exempt from this hike. While I agree with the Times that the City should consider looking out for the most vulnerable of residents, I strongly oppose their notion that middle-class residents would be able to easily absorb this fare increase,” said Senator Tony Avella.
“The fact is, middle-class New Yorkers are already subject to some of the highest property taxes in the country, their cost of living is through the roof, and the price of nearly everything in this city and state is higher than anywhere else. Additionally, these increases do not only change the cost of entry onto a City bus or Subway. Rather, these proposed changes will increase the price of tolls to every bridge and tunnel in the City and will send the cost of a commuter rail line ticket through the roof,” added Senator Avella.
“Shame on the NY Times for being this out of touch on this issue,” concluded Avella.