Jacobs Announces Committee Approval of Fentanyl Bill

(Albany, NY) New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (60th SD), a Co-Chair of the Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction, issued the following statement after the New York State Senate Health Committee approved his bill (S5884) which adds six new derivatives of fentanyl to the state’s controlled substance schedule:

Senator Chris Jacobs:

“So many of the heroin overdoses in our community are caused by fentanyl being added to the heroin mix. Drug dealers keep changing the chemical makeup of fentanyl to skirt prosecution.  This bill adds six new versions of fentanyl to the state’s controlled substance list so that we can prosecute these drug dealers and get them off our streets.

Six new derivatives of fentanyl will be added to the state’s controlled substance schedule.  Five of these derivatives will be added to Schedule I, bringing New York State in line with the current Federal schedule. The sixth derivative will be added to Schedule II, and these additions would take place immediately upon passage in both houses and a signature from the Governor.“

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