Senator Avella Calls on DPR to Maintain Trees Along Long Island Motor Parkway

Tony Avella

August 24, 2017

Queens, NY – Today, State Senator Tony Avella sent a letter to the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) demanding that action be taken to address the terrible condition of trees at one of New York City’s Greenways between 199th Street and Winchester Boulevard along the Long Island Motor Parkway (Vanderbilt Parkway).

Senator Avella, who frequently walks the Long Island Motor Parkway, is extremely concerned with the lack of maintenance he has observed.

“I have walked the Long Island Motor Parkway many times and have seen firsthand a number of serious tree issues along the path. I have witnessed trees with hanging limbs, trees with police tape around them that DPR is not aware of, and two massive trees that are dead. The condition of the trees along the path have put New Yorkers in harm’s way. On any given day, one or all of these trees could fall causing serious damage or even death,” said Senator Avella.

“Parks needs to inspect and maintain the Long Island Motor Parkway trees, and all trees across the five boroughs, in order to prevent a serious catastrophe or loss of life,” concluded Senator Avella.