Sen. Carlucci's bill aiming to stop baby formula and over the counter medicines from being sold on the black market passes in the Senate

Sen. David Carlucci

February 12, 2018

ALBANY, NY– Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) announced the Senate has passed his legislation, S4048, which is aimed at keeping household products off the black market. The bill outlaws the sale of products like baby formula, aspirin, and ibuprofen by anyone not licensed to sell these products or expressly authorized by the manufacturer. Criminals know baby formula is in high demand and often a major expense for new parents so selling it on the black market has become all too common. Sen. Carlucci says the legislation would cut down on theft and keep consumers safe.

"There is a thriving black market that exists for some of these products and consumers have to be vigilant about what they purchase and from where. Thieves pray on the needs of consumers and in turn could be putting their health at risk deliberately tampering with these products,” said Sen. Carlucci, who Chairs the Consumer Protection Committee in the Senate.  

The Senate had passed this bill last year, but it failed to make it out of the Assembly. The bill is now again in the Assembly’s hands.

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