Tedisco Obtains $170,000 State Grant for Fulton County YMCA

Senator Jim Tedisco

February 21, 2018

Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I,REF-Glenville) today presented a state grant for $170,980 to the Fulton County YMCA for capital improvements to the facility.  

"The YMCA is a great organization that offers a home away from home for many kids. Our YMCAs are wonderful community centers that provides children, families and senior citizens with great opportunities for recreation, exercise, and socialization. I was proud today to support the efforts of the Fulton County YMCA in Johnstown by helping them obtain a state grant for $170,000 to make some capital improvements to the facility including building a pavilion for the Y's summer camp, ceramic tile for the pool and locker room, a new storage shed, replace the front steps and add new lighting and install security cameras at the facility to improve safety for all. I look forward to coming back later this year for the ribbon cutting once this project is complete," said Tedisco.
