LiveOnNY Presented Senator Carlucci with the Legislative Champion Award

Senator David Carlucci

October 4, 2019

(New City, NY) –. LiveOnNY presented the Legislative Champion Award to Sen. David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) today at a ceremony outside the Rockland County Courthouse in New City for his work to increase and promote organ donation. At the ceremony, Carlucci was joined by several transplant recipients as well as Rockland County Executive Ed Day.

LiveOnNY presents the Legislative Champion Award to an individual who has gone above and beyond to raise awareness about organ donation. Today marked the 7th year anniversary of the signing of Lauren’s Law. Carlucci sponsored the bill in 2012, and the law helped increase the State average of registered organ donors from 21% in 2013 to 36% today, according to LiveOnNY. Lauren’s Law requires a person to answer yes or skip the question to becoming an organ donor when applying for a driver’s license.

“Sen. David Carlucci is an incredible advocate for organ, eye and tissue donation. He has gone above and beyond to educate the community and to support lifesaving legislation. I know his efforts go a long way to bring hope to the nearly 10,000 New Yorkers currently waiting for a transplant. I am proud to have him as a partner,” said LiveOnNY President & CEO Helen Irving.

“Its an honor and privilege to be presented with this prestigious award,” said Senator David Carlucci. “Thank you to LiveOnNY and the amazing transplant survivors we have from Rockland County like Lauren Shields, Roxanne Watson, and Bella Muñoz who have worked with me and educated me about the policies needed on the books to increase organ donation.”

Aside from Lauren’s Law, Carlucci has helped pass a multitude of bills to increase organ donation, including, paid family leave for a transplant procedure, allowing organ donors to claim tax deductions for related expenses, allowing taxpayers to make a charitable contribution to the Life Pass It On Trust Fund, and allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to register to be an organ donor.

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