Tedisco Announces Conference of Italian-American State Legislators Scholarship Opportunities

Senator Jim Tedisco

March 8, 2019

Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I, REF-Glenville) today announced that the Conference of Italian-American State Legislators, a group which he is a member of, is now accepting 2019 scholarship applications. 

Each year, four outstanding New York State students who are currently in or are heading to college, are awarded $3,500 scholarships by the Conference of Italian-American State Legislators in June.

“A college education can be very expensive. The Conference of Italian-American State Legislators Scholarship will offer four $3,500 scholarships to dedicated students who have demonstrated academic excellence or are outstanding scholar-athletes,” said Senator Tedisco. “I know the 49thSenate District is home to some of the most dedicated students, and talented student-athletes and this is a great opportunity for them to apply for to help pay for college expenses.”

Students have the opportunity to apply for both an academic and athletic scholarship. Both scholarships require applicants to have a GPA of at least 85, good school conduct, participation in community service and extracurricular activities, a dedication to pursuing higher education, and demonstrate financial need. The athletic scholarship requires involvement in organized sports. 

Applications can be requested through Senator Tedisco’s office at 518-455-2181, or by email at tedisco@nysenate.gov. The deadline to submit applications is March 25, 2019.