Griffo to Governor: Honor your commitment to regions of state
February 3, 2021
Amid recent news accounts from the Wall Street Journal and other media sources indicating that New Yorkers are traveling throughout the state to get the COVID-19 vaccine, state Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, today called for an immediate reorganization of the state’s vaccine allotment and that the Governor ensure that doses distributed regionally are given to local residents first.
The federal government distributes the vaccine to states based on population. The Governor has said that New York takes a similar population-based approach when it comes to providing doses regionally. However, the state’s disjointed and disorderly method of allocating the vaccine has resulted in Mohawk Valley and North Country residents facing increasing competition for the vaccine from those who live in the Capitol District, Hudson Valley, Western New York and other regions of the state.
“New York's method of distributing the vaccine is survival of the fittest and is not effective,” Sen. Griffo said. “This free-for-all approach has forced those in need – most notably the elderly who are having difficulty making online appointments – to wait even longer for a potentially life-saving vaccine while individuals from outside of the area drive hundreds of miles across the state for a shot in the arm. The Governor must ensure that doses that have been earmarked for specific regions of the state are provided to the individuals who live there first.”
Sen. Griffo also said that the state’s desire to establish vaccine distribution centers in various regions of the state is understandable. However, he stressed that doses allocated for these sites should augment and not compete with local efforts already taking place.