Addabbo visits Lindendwood charter school for World Culture Day
Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.
June 9, 2022
On Wednesday, June 8, State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. visited Our World Neighborhood Charter School 2 in Lindenwood for their World Culture Day. The culture, food, music and more from over 20 countries that represents the diverse student body and staff at the school were on display throughout the halls. Addabbo met with Principal Rodney Wilkins and other staff to discuss how the school is doing as the end of the academic year approaches.
Our World visit 1: Addabbo with Principal Rodney Wilkins and Rose Flores.
Our World visit 2: Addabbo with Our World staff members in front of the Pakistan cultural table.
Our World visit 3: Addabbo with students and staff.
Our World visit 4: Addabbo with the musical entertainment.
Our World visit 5: Addabbo trying his hand at curling at the Canadian display.