Senator Lea Webb Hosts Community Health Resource Fair in Tompkins County
September 27, 2023

ITHACA, NY - On Wednesday, Senator Lea Webb hosted a Community Health Resource Fair in Tompkins County at the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC). The fair brought together community organizations focused on health and wellness, to provide the public with information regarding the resources available to their families.
“I am thrilled to host this community health resource fair,” said Senator Lea Webb. “This is a great opportunity to ensure that members of the public have access to the wide variety of health and wellness resources available to them here in Tompkins County. To build healthy communities, it is so important that we empower our neighbors with information about the resources available to them, so that we can increase equitable access to services. Thank you to the Greater Ithaca Activity Center for hosting us today and to all of our partners for sharing their good work with the community.”
Comptroller DiNapoli’s Office was on hand to help the public search for unclaimed funds, often originating from dormant bank accounts and representing a significant financial resource for individuals and organizations across New York State. Typically, when an account remains inactive for three years and the bank is unable to contact the account holder, the funds are transferred to the state, where they are held until rightful owners come forward to claim them.
The New York State Comptroller’s Office is currently the custodian of a staggering $18.4 billion in unclaimed money, with over 49 million unclaimed account records statewide. Demonstrating their commitment to reconnecting these funds with their rightful owners, the Comptroller’s office disburses over $1.5 million daily to individuals, companies, non-profit organizations, and municipalities.
"Helping New Yorkers find lost money is one of the best parts of my job," State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said. "I thank Senator Webb for partnering with my office to help reconnect her constituents with their lost money. We are working to make it easy for New Yorkers to claim what is rightfully theirs and partnering with the Senator helps us spread the word."
During the event, Senator Webb’s team distributed free, rapid COVID-19 tests and masks during the event and her constituent services team was on hand to assist community members with an array of issues, such as unemployment, HEAP, health insurance, EBT\WIC\SNAP, and more.
Organizations taking part in the event included Office of New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, Upstate New York Poison Center, Tompkins County Whole Heath, Family and Childrens of Tompkins County, Ithaca Youth Bureau, Loaves & Fishes of Tompkins County, Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, Love Living at Home, Lifelong, Reach Medical, Rise Together, The Advocacy Center, Ithaca Health Alliance/Ithaca Free Clinic, Racker Center, and more.