State Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick Stands With Fellow LI Electeds To Reject Clean Slate

Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick

November 17, 2023

2023-11-18.Clean Slate Opposition
Today, Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick co-hosted a press conference at the Suffolk County Police Benevolent Association alongside several Long Island State Senators to strongly reject the passage of the Clean Slate Act and to bring to light the disastrous consequences of this law.

Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick released the following statement on the matter:

“The Clean Slate Law is a brazen assault on justice, accountability, and community safety. This egregious legislation that I voted against shamelessly aims to obliterate the records of individuals who have committed crimes. Wiping criminal records without consideration for the severity of offenses or the potential risks to society withholds critical information from employers, judges and DA’s in determining who is truly a danger to society. I was elected to push policies that protect our communities and oppose policies that favor criminals. Providing opportunities for individuals who have genuinely reformed is crucial, but it's equally important to acknowledge that not every offender merits having their records cleared. Those who have been convicted of attempted murder, gang assault, arson, animal abuse, armed robbery, and vehicular homicide will now be eligible to have their records sealed. Hate crimes are also included on this disturbing list, which is especially distressing in light of a nationwide rise of antisemitic hatred - theoretically, a Jewish-owned business could hire someone who committed an anti-Jewish crime without ever knowing that individual's history, placing themselves and their patrons in danger. This legislation goes further than being simply misguided; it's outright dangerous and is likely to have similar effects to those seen with bail reform, a law which has contributed to a surge in repeat offenses and compromised public safety. Unfortunately, this is yet another instance of Albany imposing a pro-crime agenda on our communities."