Accessing Assistance Following A Weather Disaster

Natural Disaster Relief
Following the recent storm that devastated many in our region, my office has been working with local, county and state officials to get our residents and businesses the assistance they need.  We will post any updates on this site to keep everyone up-to-date on how to get the assistance they deserve.
New York State is launching an emergency repair program for homeowners affected by the torrential rains associated with the storm that impacted our region on Sunday, August 18th. Under the HCR program, homeowners may be eligible for grants of up to $50,000 to fund or reimburse certain qualifying health and safety related repairs to address damage caused by the storm that are not covered by insurance or other disaster relief programs. Applicants must be homeowners who occupy the home as a primary residence and total household income may not exceed 150 percent of the area median income (
Here is a link to the form:
We will continue to work with all elected officials in local, county and state governments to get all of our residents and businesses the aid they need to recover and rebuild better than before.
And we must make sure that every one who has been impacted is helped and is able to recover.