03 Mar 2014

Civil Service and Pensions Meeting

Legislative Office Building

01:00 PM to 01:03 PM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Civil Service and Pensions 
Senator Martin J. Golden, Chair 
1:00 PM, Monday, March 3, 2014 
Room 410 LOB

Printed No.





An act to prohibit public employers from diminishing the health insurance benefits and contributions of certain retired public employees

Refer to Finance


An act to amend the civil service law, in relation to requiring public employers to register for and participate in the E-verify program for verification of employment eligibility; and to amend the state finance law and the general municipal law, in relation to requiring persons and entities contracting with the state or a municipality to participate in such program

Refer to Finance


An act to amend the civil service law and the legislative law, in relation to certain benefits provided pursuant to collective bargaining agreements

Refer to Finance


An act to amend the civil service law, in relation to reimbursement for medicare charges


past Civil Service and Pensions committee events

28 Apr

Civil Service and Pensions Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

5:30 PM

02 Jun

23 Feb

Civil Service and Pensions Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building, Room 512

6:00 PM

Civil Service and Pensions committee news

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