Senator Rivera Calls On Ricardo Rosselló To Step Down as Governor of Puerto Rico
July 17, 2019
“It is clear that Governor Ricardo Rosselló should resign immediately following his mismanagement of a series of high level corruption scandals, which include the federal indictment of six individuals who were a part of his administration with conspiracy and other crimes in connection with stealing millions of dollars in federal Medicaid and education funds.
The controversial text messages released after the indictments were announced further demonstrate that Governor Rosselló, his closest advisers, public officials, and individuals associated to his government lack the professional and moral capacity to lead Puerto Rico through the island's current precarious political and economic situation. They also rise legitimate concerns over Rosselló's views on women, the LGBT community, journalists, among other groups.
While in the diaspora, in spirit I join the thousands of Puerto Ricans who have already taken the streets and marched to La Fortaleza to manifest their strong opposition towards Rosselló and his cronies. As Puerto Ricans who have a deep love for our island, we are not looking for meaningless apologies from the Governor. We want him out as our focus remains on getting rid of the corruption that has permeated every level of government in Puerto Rico for too long. With the future of our island at stake, we have too much to lose to remain silent or turn a blind eye. We must act now. #RickyRenuncia"