Green-Wood Cemetery Receives $500K State Funding for Education Center

Iwen Chu

Originally published in BK Reader on .
Sen Chu greenwood

Once completed, the Brooklyn cemetery's Education and Welcome Center will feature art galleries, spaces for educational programming, a dedicated classroom and more.

The Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn announced that it received $500,000 in state funding to aid the development of its new Education and Welcome Center.

Amidst the cemetery’s ongoing capital campaign (in which it aimed to raise $34 million for the Center), New York State Assemblymembers Robert Carroll and Marcela Mitaynes, along with Senators Andrew Gounardes and Iwen Chu, all were able to allocate $125,000 in state funds respectively in support of the project.

“We are deeply grateful to New York State Assemblymembers Robert Carroll and Marcela Mitaynes, and Senators Andrew Gounardes and Iwen Chu, for their generous support,” said Richard Moylan, president of The Green-Wood Cemetery. 

“Their commitment to Green-Wood's capital campaign for the Education and Welcome Center is a testament to their dedication to preserve the history and culture of our community and educate future generations.”

Once completed, the Green-Wood Cemetery says that the two-story, 20,400 square-foot center will offer a welcoming space where visitors can get an introduction to the historic cemetery before they explore the grounds.

Among the features planned for the L-shaped structure include two exhibition galleries; a dedicated classroom; spaces for Green-Wood’s educational programming; a scholarly research area; staff offices; meeting and event spaces for local nonprofits and community organizations; and more. 

The Green-Wood Education and Welcome Center is a great addition to Green-Wood Cemetery and a great resource for families and communities across Brooklyn,” said Senator Chu. “Children and school groups will have access to exhibition galleries, a classroom, and a multipurpose space within the greenhouse. Greenwood’s educational programs and diverse community outreach will have a new home.

The Green-Wood Cemetery anticipates construction of the Education and Welcome Center will be finished sometime in 2025.