Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Has Two Questions for Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and the Elected Officials that are meeting with him

Ruben Diaz

February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

For Immediate Release


Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Has Two Questions for Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and the Elected Officials that are meeting with him

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Has Two Questions for those elected officials who will be meeting today with New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to ask the Attorney General about the National Puerto Rican Day Parade:

(1) Since Mr. Carlos Velasquez has served not only as the Marketing Agent for the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, but for many other parades in New York City too, what is going to happen to those other parades? Will there also be investigations to see if Carlos Velasquez mismanaged their money too?

(2) In comparison with the scandal surrounding CEO William Rapfogel's scheme to defraud the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, were the Board Members forced to resign by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for mismanaging their not-for-profit - or is it only the National Puerto Rican Day Parade's Board that the Attorney General will force to resign?
