Senator Gallivan Concerned About Changes Made to Phase 4 Reopening Plan

Jim Ranney

June 23, 2020

Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) issued the following statement regarding changes made to the state’s Phase 4 reopening rules:

"Citizens across New York have done their part to control the spread of COVID-19 and to protect public health.  As our communities continue to make progress and move through the pre-determined reopening phases, it is unjust to re-write the rules and prevent some businesses from reopening as scheduled.

The sudden decision to deny movie theaters, shopping malls, gyms and fitness centers to reopen is without merit and is not supported by data. Residents and businesses have acted responsibly and taken the public health precautions necessary to reduce infections. There is no reason to believe these businesses will not do the same. 

This unilateral decision must be reconsidered.”

